Pope warns of ‘indifference’ on Syria

‘The future of humanity is built with peace and not by war.’

Pope Francis has warned against a growing 'indifference' to the Syrian conflict.

Addressing a gathering of delegates from a number of charitable organisations gathered in Rome at the invitation of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum to discuss the ongoing conflict on May 30, the Pontiff lamented that to date there has been no peaceful resolution in Syria and the longer it continued, he warned, the greater the risk that it will become a forgotten war.

"There is the risk of growing accustomed to it," he said, "of forgetting the victims claimed on a daily basis, the unspeakable suffering, the thousands of refugees, which include the elderly and children, who suffer and at times die of hunger and of diseases causes by the conditions of war. This indifference is harmful. Once again we must repeat the name of this illness that does so much damage in todayís world: the globalisation of indifference."

Praising the work to date of the assembled charitable groups towards relieving the suffering of ordinary Syrians, the Pope went on to urge all involved in Syria to "immediately consent to humanitarian aid and to silence their weapons as soon as possible, making efforts to negotiate and to make their first priority the well-being of Syria, of all her inhabitants, including the many who have had to seek refuge elsewhere and who have the right to return to their homeland as soon as possible".

"The future of humanity is built with peace and not by war," the Pope stressed.