Archbishop Eamon Martin and Archbishop Richard Clarke have appealed to Christians to “pray for five people” in the days around Ascension Sunday and Pentecost Sunday as part of the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ global prayer movement.
“This means praying intentionally for five people, but not necessarily those we instinctively pray for on a regular basis,” they wrote. “This ‘prayer for five’ should be that God will bless the people and give them a deeper awareness of his infinite love for them.”
Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury began the prayer initiative in 2016. Since then it has grown into an “international and ecumenical call to prayer”.
At a recent meeting with Pope Francis, Archbishop Welby interviewed Pope Francis on his phone. “We want to tell you that we walk alongside you in this prayer – Thy Kingdom Come,” said the Pope.
The recording will be played at a major rally of Christians taking place in Trafalgar Square on Pentecost.