Pro-Life groups condemn SF abortion motion defeat

Party’s stance described as ‘appalling’

Pro-life groups north and south have condemned as “appalling” Sinn Féin’s striking down of a conscience vote motion at its recent Ard Fheis, stating that Catholics can no longer vote for the party. Following the defeat of the motion, tabled by Peadar Toibin, TD, whose pro-life stance during the Republic’s abortion debate saw him ousted from Sinn Féin for six months, Bernadette Smyth of the Belfast-based Precious Life said“Catholics in the north and south of Ireland will no longer be able to vote for Sinn Féin”.

“Sinn Féin has denied their party the right to vote on conscience, and it is now time for the Catholic Church to inform the conscience of the people,” she added.

Meanwhile, Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign said: “Sinn Féin’s official stance on abortion is appalling so it’s not surprising that they continue to deny their TDs and MLAs the right to vote according to their conscience on the issue.”