Pro-lifers gather for minute silence for unborn in Belfast

Pro-lifers gather for minute silence for unborn in Belfast Kathleen Madden of Dungiven with son Jonathan and granddaughter Kayleigh (7) at the Belfast Life Chain.

A pro-life activist has said “no law will stop us defending” unborn babies at a ‘Life-Chain’ rally in Belfast over the weekend.

Bernie Smyth, director of Precious Life, said that abortion is “barbaric”, and its effects will prove detrimental throughout society.

Ms Smyth was speaking ahead of a minute’s silence for the 8,490 babies aborted in Northern Ireland since Westminster imposed abortion regulations just feet away from a ‘buffer zone’ in Belfast, which makes it illegal for anyone to protest within the vicinity of an abortion clinic.

She said prayer was even more powerful than protests. “They introduce buffer zones because they know that prayer works. People have been praying outside those centres and we know what happened in England the other day when even praying in your head is a crime now. No law will stop us defending these babies. We can still pray…God knows no boundaries.”

She contrasted abortion policy with plans for a new law at the Stormont power-sharing assembly to acknowledge babies lost through miscarriage with official certificates.

While welcoming the initiative, she attacked Sinn Fein’s double standards and vowed to fight for the same right for all boys and girls before birth. She said: “The hypocrisy of what is happening at Stormont. If this legislation goes through, I can assure you we will demand that certificates are issued for every single baby that dies through abortion.”

“We will be at Stormont on Tuesday (October 22) and bring our display of baby shoes to remember every single one of these little babies that never got a breath and never got a birthday and never got a hug from their mothers and never got recognised as human beings.”