The Christmas Day Dinner hosted by the Knights of St Columbanus served a record 3,500 meals this year to those in need. The figure is 500 more than for 2015 and represents a continued year-on-year growth for the charitable event.
“On Christmas Day, people like Brother Kevin of the Capuchin Day centre take the day off so we fill the gap on that day and unfortunately demand has increased,” said Adrian King, chair of the Christmas Day dinner committee. Mr King pointed out that an increase in families attending the RDS dinner has led to volunteers also handing out toys during the day.
As well as sit-down dinners, visitors to the RDS were offered takeaway meals and other necessary items.
“When they leave the RDS they can also take a back pack which has a good quality fleece and hygiene items,” King explained. Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin, who attended the dinner, said there were great inequalities in society and he urged people to reflect on their circumstances.