Rediscovering the joy of Confession

Dear EditorThe article by Ben Conroy ‘There is nothing weird about going to Confession’ (IC 23/04/2015), struck me as being mature, authentic and lovely.

He refers to young Catholics drifting away from Confession, but older Catholics have drifted away also partly, I would say, as a reaction against an earlier overemphasis on sin and underemphasis on God’s unconditional love for them personally.

I agree that guilt has a bad press today which, in a way, is strange because there is such emphasis on having feelings being OK. Guilt feelings remind me that I missed the mark in my relationships and that taking responsibility involves both making amends and going to Confession to avail of the grace of God’s forgiveness.

This is both healing and empowering in my experience.

I have recently upped my game somewhat as regards going to Confession partly as a result of study and deeper reflection.

I have also been touched by the words of Pope Francis which I saw on a notice on the confessionals in Dublin’s pro-cathedral.

 Under the heading ‘The light is ON for you’ the Pope’s words read: “Be courageous and go to Confession! Jesus will receive you; he will receive you with so much love”.

Yours etc.,

Eileen Gaughan,

