Request for information on anti-communism

Dear Editor, I am an Irish Research Council-funded PhD student in NUI Galway, in my second year. My PhD topic is ‘Irish Catholic Anti-Communism in the era of John Charles McQuaid, 1940-1971’.

I have already contacted the various diocesan archives and a number of archives held by Catholic Action organisations and religious orders regarding archival material for my thesis, but I was wondering if individual readers may have correspondence, minute books or similar material from Catholic religious or from Catholic Action organisations which touch on Catholic anti-communist ‘vigilance’ in the period.

I can be contacted at, or by letter at the address below.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Often old documents which people do not know what to do with or struggle to see as relevant can be highly useful for the historian.

Yours etc.,

Gerard Madden,

Discipline of History,

NUI Galway,

University Road,
