Dear Editor, I have been privileged to know the former President, Mrs McAleese, since 1995. So I cannot stand idly by and pass unmoved when I see her good name and reputation vilified by your columnist Mary Kenny – ‘Mary Kenny knows how to craft a headline’ (IC 26/6/2014).
I would never, ever accuse Mary McAleese of arrogance and sham. She is gifted with a high intellect, combined with what I regard as the supreme excellence, i.e. an endearing naturalness and simplicity in character, style and manner. Would Mary Kenny have your readers believe that St Paul got it badly wrong when he wrote: “There is a variety of gifts and all sorts of service to be done, but always the same Lord working in all sorts of different ways in different people. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” [1 Cor 12:4-7]
I do not ask or expect Mary Kenny to suppress her views or opinions, but I do say with respect – Mary, please! Play the ball and not the man!
Yours etc.,
Rev. Frank McGauran,
Co. Roscommon.