Same-sex ‘marriage’ a fiasco for Britain

Dear Editor, The British government now realises that same-sex ‘marriage’ will require a massive rewrite of legislation dating back to 1285. Over 2,000 laws referring to marriage have to be changed at a cost of many millions of pounds and all to support a whim of David Cameron who is determined to push gay ‘marriage’ through despite the majority of the population objecting to it, including many gay people.

The government plans to take the words ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ out of legislation and replace them with ‘partner’ or ‘spouse’. The proposed change for the word ‘widow’ is the phrase ‘woman whose deceased partner was a man’.

Other legislative changes are to be made to prevent a man becoming queen in the event of a king marrying a man, to stop a man becoming the Princess of Wales should the Prince of Wales enter into a same-sex ‘marriage’ and to ensure the ‘husband’ of a male peer is not referred to as Lady, Duchess or Countess.

This ill-thought out fiasco is to be funded by the taxpayer.

The Republic of Ireland and other countries need to be on their guard to stop their governments foisting similar misguided legislation on them.

Yours etc.,

Dr Owen Gallagher,


Co. Antrim.