Santa, remind us of the meaning of Christmas

Santa, remind us of the meaning of Christmas

Dear Santa,

You were mentioned in the Dáil recently and I heard the Irish Ambassador to Finland say she had spoken to you and that you reassured her that you will be travelling this year.  Good news, for sure. You are, as you told her, an “essential worker”.  Locally I have heard children speak of you and their excitement reminds me that it is great to look forward, in hope, to something and someone special.

I don’t know how you do it but, throughout time, you have worked this annual wonder and brought joy to countless millions. Even at my age, I can still remember some of those Christmas mornings when my hopes and dreams were exceeded beyond anything I could have wished for.  Special memories of a Raleigh Chopper Bike and my first digital watch! Sadly, I am not so good on the bike now, still have one, but it has an easy life.  I kept up to speed with the watches and digital age – have you and that Christmas morning to thank for that. I remember Lego and Meccano, trains and tracks and I remember a powerful rifle with the most realistic sound that, for some reason, you brought to my neighbour but I think you meant for me! In fairness he let me play with it and I let him have a go on the Chopper! I think you would approve of that – sharing the gifts received.


I am not sure what to ask for this year. I know that you must be under a lot of pressure and those who help you make toys and gifts must be working extremely hard. There is part of me that would love to say, “I don’t need anything”, “I don’t want anything” but, to be honest, I think we all need and want – it is just a case of deciding what we most need and want and what can wait.

If you could bring some reassurance and peace where most needed, that would be great.  If you could remind us that, at the heart of Christmas there is the story of Our Saviour’s birth and that because of that birth we are asked to be better people. If, this year, you could help us in parishes to be patient around numbers able to attend church and how best, as parishes, we can celebrate Christmas, that would be a priceless gift. It would be great if you could focus us on the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ and encourage us to spread out our worship over the twelve day so that more can worship in safety and at ease.


Maybe that is asking a lot Santa but since you can work wonders and make it all the way around the world in the space of a night, I think you might be the man to help us work wonders too and to enjoy this Christmas in a prayerful and meaningful way.  You might be the one to remind us that it is through working together, making room for each other and making those sacrifices that are asked of us, that the blessedness of the Bethlehem stable will rise to the surface.

And, of course, if you want to throw in a “surprise”, that is always welcome!

Safe travels and happy Christmas.


One of my favourites

I love Christmas Carols. Silent Night is up there with the best of them. So too, AdestesFideles and O Holy Night, but a firm favourite of mine is ‘The Little Drummer Boy’. Anyone that knows me knows that. I love the story of it. A young boy wondering what he could possibly bring to Christmas. He looked at all he didn’t have that he felt would be wanted. “I have no gifts to bring, that’s fit to give a king ….” and, all the while he had around his neck all that was needed – the drum and his ability to play it.  Sometimes we already have what it takes… and when we share that, what a difference it makes.