Senator brands John Halligan the Donald Trump of Irish politics

John Reid

Independent Senator Rónán Mullen has branded Minister for Skills John Halligan as the Donald Trump of Irish politics, due to intemperate language he has used toward opponents of his latest controversial push to legalise euthanasia.

Mr Halligan is planning to introduce a private members’ bill which, if enacted, would make it legal to assist someone to take their own life in Ireland. “All I want is reasonable debate. I already have the God squad coming after me,” he said.

Senator Mullen told The Irish Catholic: “Mr Halligan says he wants a passionate debate, but he immediately labels the principled opposition to euthanasia.

“The fact that he labels his opposition as the ‘God squad’ shows in a way that there’s something Trumpian about his communications in that he immediately labels his opponents while pretending that he wants to be serious,” Senator Mullen said.