The Angelus aired in its current form has been described as “hogwash” and that it should be “more Christian”.
Senator David Norris blasted the Angelus broadcast, which was revamped in 2009, as being disaffected of any Christian meaning. He added that some of the images equated to “old fellas doodling”.
However Roger Childs, the Head of Religious Programmes on RTÉ, said that when he first took up the job in 2008 he wanted to create a version of the Angelus that served everyone.
He described the Angelus broadcast that he inherited as “not very well acted epiphanies, in which people stopped whatever they were doing to look heavenward, as a Pavlovian reaction to the chimes”.
Mr Childs’ version of the Angelus was inspired by the shared belief in many traditions that it’s important to pause and take stock. The brief given for each of the short films is “a non-verbal minute, conducive to prayer or reflection for people of all faiths and none”.
In addition Mr Childs’ also wanted to showcase creativity, and every Friday RTÉ features ‘The People’s Angelus’, where aspiring filmmakers and students can submit their short films.
He added that he has received very few complaints about the broadcasts.