Stepping up your social media game

It seems as if everyday a new viral video is being made. Whether it's a distraught young man crying behind a sheet to 'leave Britney alone,' or a poptart cat flying through space to obnoxious music, it's probably safe to assume that weíve all seen at least one YouTube smash hit. However, YouTube is a lot more than the home of internet cat videos.

In actuality there are many useful ways YouTube can be utilised, besides just as a means of procrastination. Many people might feel too intimidated by YouTube celebrities to attempt to start their own channels, when really the whole basis of YouTube is for anyone to upload and participate. Making videos can be a great way to connect with like minded individuals or to help reach out to your company's audience.

YouTube is also a great resource for education and entertainment, and there are many ways for anyone to make use of its content.

Creating a channel

Most often YouTube channels are used for sharing creative content. There are many channels that are dedicated to sharing original songs or sketch comedies. If you have a passion that you want to share with others, such as music or fashion, YouTube can be a great platform for connecting with likeminded individuals.

Starting a channel can also be a great way to connect with your audience. Many different companies use videos to reach out to consumers; churches and youth groups could also take advantage of this platform. Videos can always be made private and therefore only shared with those you wish to see them, if you are worried about privacy.


If you're someone who is particularly bad at keeping a journal, but have always wanted to keep a record of your experiences, 'vlogging,' video-blogging, might be a good idea for you to try. There are many popular vlogging channels on YouTube, including the Vlogbrothers, grav3yardgirl, and charlieissocoollike that can give you an idea of what vlogging is all about.


YouTube can also be utilised for educational purposes. There are several channels that exist purely to educate viewers. CrashCourse and SciShow are two popular examples, and both have had their videos used in classrooms. Started by the incredibly popular Vlogbrothers, Hank and John Green, the channels aim to educate viewers on science, history and literature.

Currently the brothers are in talks to have supplementary resources made for classroom use. If your child is having a hard time with a particular subject, or you would simply like to encourage them to expand their knowledge, introducing them to the educational resources on YouTube could be very valuable.

The new TV

In many ways YouTube is becoming the new form of TV. There are an increasing number of channels that are dedicated to uploading scheduled series. A recently popular series was a modern adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, entitled The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers. The show centred on Lizzie Bennet and her video diaries and was comprised of 100 episodes. It gained a massive following on the web and even won an Emmy. Currently a similar adaptation of Austen's Emma, entitled Emma Approved, is being uploaded twice weekly on the Pemberly Digital and Emma Approved channels.

According to official YouTube statistics 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute. Millions of subscriptions happen every day and over six billion hours of video are watched each month.

There is an incredible amount of content being uploaded and an equally impressive audience that receives it. Clearly YouTube is a significant force in the online community, and it is definitely something that can be utilised and enjoyed by people of all ages.