Strength of character needed to protect unborn, says archbishop

Strength of character needed to protect unborn, says archbishop Archbishop Eamon Martin

Archbishop Eamon Martin warns of pressure to radically redefine Ireland’s social agenda

Strength of character is needed to ensure the equal right to life of mothers and unborn babies in the face of pressure from those who wish to “radically redefine” Ireland’s social agenda, Archbishop Eamon Martin has warned.

“In the Ireland of 2016 it takes real strength of character to hold to the fundamental right to life of both a mother and her unborn baby, and especially so in the face of pressure from those who wish to radically redefine Ireland’s social agenda in the name of ‘progression’ and ‘personal choice’ above all else,” the Archbishop of Armagh said.

“But at what cost? How could anyone in the name of compassion or choice remove the right to life of an innocent unborn child,” Archbishop Eamon questioned.

His comments follow a commitment from the Government to hold a citizens’ convention on the place of the Eighth (Life Equality) Amendment in the Constitution.

Speaking at a celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the All Ireland Rosary Rally at Knock shrine, the Primate of All-Ireland lamented the fact that some people and groups in Ireland were actively campaigning to repeal the Eighth Amendment.


“Sadly there are those who question Ireland’s constitutional commitment to the equal life and dignity of a mother and the unborn child. May we never forget that the defenceless unborn child is a real, human person, worthy of love and protection.

“We must listen for the heartbeats of both mothers and their unborn children in today’s world. Two lives; two hearts, beating,” the archbishop said.

“Equally, may we never fail to have a heart for those mothers – and indeed fathers – who sometimes feel in crisis following the conception of their child,” he added.