Dear Editor, After reading last year that Pope Benedict XVI (now Emeritus) was encouraging everyone to read the Catechism during the Year of Faith, I saw an article in The Irish Catholic giving details of a website where people could sign up to receive daily emails with a question from the Catechism with commentary. For the past year I received these questions on the Catechism of the Catholic Church both in YoutCat form and also the traditional Catechism of the Catholic Church form in a Dig Deeper section.
Matthew Warner is the founder of and over 100,000 people from all parts of the world have signed up to receive his daily emails. On December 9 he started a new venture ‘Study the Gospels in a Year’. He is also repeating ‘Read the Catechism in a Year’ because of such a high demand for it.
Pope Francis in his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium is encouraging all of us to evangelise on The Joy of the Gospel, is giving us this great opportunity to carry out Pope Francis’s wishes.
Yours etc.,
Vera Connolly,
Dublin 5.