Every year, the Vatican unveils a Nativity scene from a different diocese, often using materials or artistic styles from the particular region or country where the diocese is located.
Tags: St Francis
Five reasons why St Francis is a model of synodality
Fr Patrick Briscoe OP Chesterton once wrote, “Newspapers not only deal with news, but they deal with everything as if it were entirely new”. There’s a lot of new talk surrounding synodality. But, insofar as synods have been an ancient model for Church governance, there’s something quite old there. Which is why I propose…
The Christian calling toward animals big and small
Chai Brady discusses wild animals, obedient mice, and what it means to be a ‘steward of creation’ Ideals regarding the treatment of animals can be controversial particularly when there are so many more vegan and vegetarian Christians today who call for an increased, some would say radical, respect for life in all its forms. But…