Teenage social media celebrity defends pro-life position

Teenage social media celebrity defends pro-life position Naim Darrechi

A Spanish social media ‘influencer’ who has millions of followers has expressed his pro-life position in several videos, saying “abortion is interrupting a life”.

Naim Darrechi (19), who has 26 million followers on TikTok, said that “When a woman is pregnant, if she doesn’t take anything, if she doesn’t abort, the natural cycle is going to make a life emerge”.

“To those who are in favour of abortion because they say that ‘the foetus does not suffer. It is a thing… that does not suffer’. It’s not a question of whether it suffers or not. The question is that a life is being taken away. A life that society has disregarded,” he said.

“I’m sure [I will receive] some negative comments for thinking what I think, but no one is going to tell me that an abortion isn’t taking a life.”

His comments were made in a series of videos about the issue, which have received millions of views.

In one of the videos, he said: “I can enter your house, turn on the gas and take your life without you suffering. I’m going to get 30 years for murder, and when someone has an abortion, which is the same thing, not only is it free but we pay for it out of our taxes.”

Asked whether he would have a baby if his girlfriend became pregnant, Mr Darrechi said: “I would be a dad without hesitation. You give me a child and I’ll fall in love with it.”