Dear Editor, I deplore the abortion legislation recently passed by the Dáil. I applaud the work of the Pro Life Campaign, the Life Institute and others for mobilising such impressive numbers in opposition to the law.
The way we approach the next phase of the campaign will determine whether or not the law is overturned in the near or distant future.
The Fine Gael Ard Fheis takes place in Limerick soon. I have no doubt some senior members of that party would relish an incident at the conference involving a pro-life protester. It would present the perfect opportunity for the Taoiseach to unite TDs and party members behind the legislation and against ‘extremism’. No doubt the Taoiseach would also use the opportunity to repeat the misleading statement that the new law was life-saving.
The way things get reported in the media influences public perception and in turn public policy. Every pro-life supporter must be aware of this by now. Being upset at the passage of the legislation is no excuse for behaving inappropriately.
Pro-life people have every right to protest against this unjust law. But they also have a duty to do so in an intelligent way that enhances the image of the cause and doesn’t undermine it.
Yours etc.,
Rachel Kenny,
Dun Laoghaire
Co. Dublin.