The call to religious life

The call to religious life Bro. Denis Aherne OFM icon painting
Bro. Denis Aherne OFM

I’m a Franciscan OFM originally from Listowel in Co. Kerry. I want to share with you how God has worked in my life.
On Sunday, February 2, I shared my vocation story at the Cork Cathedral for the Jubilee Mass of consecrated life.

I was born totally deaf in the right ear and with only slight hearing in the left ear. When I was 7 years old, my mum and some neighbours brought me on a pilgrimage to Knock. They prayed with me at the wall of the Chapel of the Apparition, touching my head against the wall.


Three months later, I was out in the fields near home. Suddenly, I heard the birds singing! I was so startled by this new world of sound that I hid until my mother found me. She took me to the doctor and the specialist, who were amazed and said it was a miracle. So, even as a child, I had an experience of God’s love and healing.

At the age of 18 years, I went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. This is where my interest in religious life really began. I saw many friars in brown habits praying around the shrine. I remember thinking I will not join the Franciscans, because I do not like their habit.

Our God has a sense of humour. Not only did I join the Franciscans, but for a time I even ended up as a tailor, making habits for the friars.

I joined the Order in Killarney. I did my Novitiate in the United States. I studied in Maynooth and Canterbury, and I have ministered in Galway, Athlone, Rome and Assisi.

I was assigned to Cork in 2021.

I have pursued my interest in art and Iconography. The Order has encouraged me to develop my gifts, talents and interests”

I love the Franciscan charism. As a group of brothers, we follow Jesus, in the spirit of Francis. The Friars serve God’s people in so many different ways. I have worked with young people, and I have been a carer for the elderly. I have pursued my interest in art and Iconography. The Order has encouraged me to develop my gifts, talents and interests. For example, now I am pursuing a course in Horticulture. This is based at the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles at Ardfoyle. The course is so important to me, especially given Francis’s love of God’s creation and the challenge given to us all by Pope Francis in Laudato Si to care for the Earth – our common home.


I write this as a witness to the fact that God is still calling people to religious life. We may be far fewer in number, and the religious life of the future will be very different. But that is all part of God’s plan. “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:9).

I began with a story of my healing from deafness, as a child. That was a physical healing. But many of us today can be a little spiritually deaf. We can be so busy and distracted that we can shut out God’s call. Let’s pray for the grace to really listen to God during this Jubilee year and to encourage each other in our different vocations.

That would be a real sign of hope for the world.

So, let’s continue to pray for each other as we all try to witness to Christ, our hope.