The desire for truth and beauty in a world led by noise and distraction

The desire for truth and beauty in a world led by noise and distraction

Is the world craving the good, the true and the beautiful more than ever? On July 26, more than 200 attendees, including bishops, clergy, religious figures, and laity from all over the country, gathered at the Church of Mary Refuge of Sinners in Rathmines, Dublin. A location designed for a remarkable moment that reignited a sense of wonder within the hearts of its attendees.

Hosted by the Theology of the Body Institute, in collaboration with ‘Young Adults Rathmines’ and ‘Pure in Heart’, youth groups, ‘The Way of Wonder’ promised to be an immersive experience celebrating the profound aspects of human existence led by Bill Donaghy, an acclaimed international speaker, author, and Senior Lecturer from the TOB Institute, whose mission is to share the teachings of St John Paul II’s masterwork, ‘Theology of the Body’.

The day before the event, Mr Donaghy engaged with young Catholics, discussing the importance of wonder – an English term originated from the old English ‘wunder’, meaning miracles and marvels. His presence ignited a spark of curiosity and reflection among those present, setting the tone for the larger event.


On the day of the event, Rathmines Church, known for its overwhelming architecture and rich history, was filled with enthusiasm. The atmosphere was palpable with anticipation as attendees awaited an evening dedicated to exploring the depths of God’s creation through art, music, poetry, and contemplation.

As the clock pointed 7pm, Bill Donaghy took the stage, greeted by an audience that listened in reverent silence. His words resonated deeply as he invited everyone on a journey of wonder. A journey that challenges the mundane and renews our innate longing for the infinite.

“It’s essential to adopt a sacramental vision that allows us to see beyond the surface and into the heart of God’s creation”

“Wonder is the Holy pause,” Mr Donaghy began. He explained how, in today’s fast-paced world, people often forget to pause and appreciate the beauty that surrounds them. This “Holy pause,” as he described, is an invitation to experience life in its fullness and to recognise the divine presence woven into the context of our existence.

Mr Donaghy delivered a clear message, in a society that tends to “box God” to limited understandings, it’s essential to adopt a sacramental vision that allows us to see beyond the surface and into the heart of God’s creation. He presented inspiring questions to the audience, challenging them to recognise the fruits of true contemplation and to seek the answers within themselves. By quoting G.K. Chesterton, “It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy. For we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we,” Mr Donaghy emphasised our call to remain open to God’s surprises.


Throughout the evening, Bill Donaghy’s words delivered powerful reflections on Ireland’s spiritual journey. He remarked on the challenges that the country has faced, saying, “Ireland has been through a crucifixion. The snakes have come back to Ireland. But beauty will throw away the evil. The only alternative is death. We need to learn how to ‘see’ again.”

These words echoed the idea that Ireland’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage, marked by periods of trial and renewal, still holds the potential to inspire a new era of faith and wonder. Mr Donaghy highlighted that beauty is a powerful antidote to despair, a force capable of driving out darkness and reigniting hope.

As the evening continued, the audience was surrounded by an atmosphere of awe and gratitude. The event was a true celebration of God’s Word, the Church, and artistic expressions filled with divine truth. The power of music, poetry, and art combined with Bill Donaghy’s insights resonated within every heart present.

“A sense of inspiration infused the crowd. Conversations remained in the church, as attendees shared their reflections and new perspectives with one another”

The success of ‘The Way of Wonder’ was not just measured by the number of attendees but by the profound impact it left on each participant. As the event concluded, a sense of inspiration infused the crowd. Conversations remained in the church, as attendees shared their reflections and new perspectives with one another.


The collaboration between the ‘Young Adults Rathmines’ group and ‘Pure in Heart’ youth group played an instrumental role in bringing this event to life. The event was a witness of the power of community and the collective desire to seek truth and beauty in a world often overshadowed by noise and distraction.

“We need to open our ache for the infinite,” said Mr Donaghy concluding his talk. These words captured the essence of the evening. A call to embrace the yearning within each of us for something greater, something beyond the tangible, and to recognise that this yearning is ultimately a longing for God Himself.

‘The Way of Wonder’ in Rathmines was not just an event. It was a reminder that in our daily lives, we are called to rediscover the beauty that surrounds us and to awaken our hearts to the divine presence in all things. Through wonder, we find the courage to journey into the depths of our faith, guided by the light of beauty that leads us closer to the heart of God.