The feasts of All Saints and All Souls

Both are official holidays in the Catholic calendar

The feasts of All Saints and All Souls are this weekend and both are official holidays in the Catholic calendar. The feast of All Saints is celebrated to pray for all of those who are in Heaven.

The feast of All Souls is celebrated for two reasons: first, as a day of remembrance for friends and loved ones who have died, and secondly, to pray that their souls are released from purgatory into Heaven. The reason behind this is the idea that, when the soul departs the body, it is sometimes not fully cleansed of its sins.

The feast of All Souls dates back to the 7th Century and it was originally celebrated by monks around Pentecost Sunday. By the 10th Century, the date was moved to November 2 by Saint Odilo, the fifth Abbot of Cluny, France, because he wanted to pair it with the feast of All Saints. From then on, celebration of the feast on this date spread and, by the 14th Century, it had reached Rome.

Although it is a Catholic holiday, there is the pagan belief that the souls of the dead would return for a meal with the family, and so another place was set at the dinner table.

Other old rituals included placing lit candles in the window to guide the souls back home, sweeping the floor clean, lighting a  fire and placing the poker and tongs in the shape of a cross on the hearth.

In poor areas, children would offer prayers to wealthier neighbours in exchange for ‘soul cakes’.

A soul cake is similar in appearance to a hot cross bun with a cross on top.


Today, three Masses are celebrated on this feast; one for the faithful departed, one for the intentions of the priest and one for the intentions of the Holy Father. Visiting the graves of departed loved ones is another way of celebrating the day; it is an old ritual although some people do still practise it today.

It’s also a good time to learn about your family roots, so ask parents or grandparents to share stories with you about their parents. You can have a go at making soul cakes on the day to share around as you listen to stories about your relatives.