Last year it seemed like everything was cancelled with Covid Restrictions, including the famous Moving Crib event at St Martin Apostolate, located at 42 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. For the first time in their sixty – four years of opening, their doors were forced to close on Christmas Eve for the remainder of the festive season in line with the Government’s announcement in December.
A source of great disappointment to all The Moving Crib team and to the visitors who had booked to make their annual or first-time visit, it was a sign of how uncertain the times were and how we could take nothing for granted.
However, whatever happens, Christmas is a constant source of consolation and a message that never changes. The Moving Crib, which has been celebrating the traditional story of Christmas in the heart of Dublin since 1956, showcases a montage of Biblical, historical, and fun stories, including Noah’s Ark and The Wise Men: plus, many more other scenes ending with the traditional Nativity Scene. It is the only one of its kind built in Ireland (if not the world) and is a historical and entertaining experience captivating adults and children alike.
Darragh Murphy, General Manager of St Martin Apostolate said “As we all begin to return to normal living, we do so with a renewed sense of the things in life that are important. The Pandemic tested us at so many levels and showed us how much we need one another. Community is at the centre of the Christian message and St Martin Apostolate and The Moving Crib have been part of the community for over 60 years.”
“Our closing last year was disappointing but necessary to keep our staff, community and visitors safe. So, this year, the Christmas cheer is back, and we love nothing more than welcoming our visitors through the doors to enjoy our wonderful Christmas Crib Event while keeping the real story of Christmas in people’s minds.”
Doors open from 23rd November until 9th January, seven days a week and entry is still free although booking is essential. In line with government guidelines for indoor events, masks will need to be worn by those over the age of thirteen and Covid Vaccine Certificates will be checked. More information can be found, and bookings made at
Feature Sponsored by St Martin Apostolate