The number of abortions in Ireland increased 250%

The number of abortions in Ireland increased 250% Pro-life supporters carry a banner during the Rally for Life in Dublin. Photo: CNS.

The HSE 2023 annual report, ‘Notifications in accordance with Section 20 of the health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018,’ reveals that 10,033 abortions were performed in Ireland last year.

Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Eilís Mulroy, commented on the figures, stating, “We have now reached a point that for every six babies born in Ireland today, one baby has his or her life ended by abortion. The sadness and scale of these numbers are hard to fathom.”

Mrs Mulroy noted that the 10,033 abortions in 2023 represent a 250% increase from the 2,879 abortions performed in 2018, the year before the law was changed.

The report also details the reason of the abortions carried out: 28 cases were due to a risk to life or health in an emergency, 129 were due to foetal abnormality, and 9,876 were medical abortions carried out in early pregnancy. These figures indicate that 98% of the total abortions were not due to medical reasons.

“Room at the decision-making table has to be made for voices other than strident pro-abortion voices. Providing women in unplanned pregnancies with information on alternatives to abortion and the support available needs to be encouraged and not scoffed at, like happens at present.”

Meanwhile, the biggest pro-life event is being organised in the heart of Dublin, where the highest number of abortions carried out in Ireland in 2023 (3,645) were notified. This event will take place on July 6, “Marching to demand the government acts as the heartbreaking rise in abortions continues… To demand they look at life-saving measures like support for women; extending the 3-day wait period; and a Heartbeat Bill,” said The Life Institute.