Dear Editor, The naming of the referendum on same sex marriage as the Marriage Equality Referendum is flawed and prejudicial to the running of a fair, transparent and balanced poll. The referendum is not about equality of marriage. It has a hidden deceitful agenda by the Government and it will not be in the best interest of children.
Jesus Christ’s teaching saw the foundations of marriage as our being created male and female by God, as well as our capacity to unite as man and woman as “one body”. Do not be fooled by the naming of the referendum as the Marriage Equality Referendum and get sentimental and vote wrongly as if it’s about equality.
Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. It does not mean that gay people are of a lesser worth. Men and women complement each other in many ways, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Marriage is a comprehensive union of two people, a union so complete the two persons become one body in a potentially giving unity.
Yours etc.,
Terry Healy,
Kill, Co. Kildare.