The survival of our Church

Dear Editor, This is a response to a general tendency I notice in much I read in The Irish Catholic. Many articles focus on the challenges to the Church, lack of vocations, the Faith not being passed onto our children, Church law not being upheld, what we do in the aftermath of the sexual abuse scandals. The list could go on. Yet there seems to be very little writing, which even mentions the supernatural mystery of our Tradition, in terms of finding answers to the crisis.Ours is a sacramental Church reliant upon the sanctifying grace imparted from Heaven upon Her clergy and laity.


Our faith proclaims the reality of the angelic realms, the Communion of Saints and the supernatural and vivifying strength of the sacramental life. This is our belief, refuge and strength.


Should we not therefore be turning to these supernatural realms, which help us more than we will ever know, for the directions in our lives, individual and as the Church collective, the mystical body of Christ?


I am so dismayed, as I see how little the Church speaks about Her supernatural realities and strengths. How there is perhaps embarrassment, to be different from the all-pervading power of the secular world around us. If our Church is to survive, we must speak out. The youth are hungering for the supernatural and when it is not given in the right way, under the guidelines and teaching of Holy Mother Church, they go elsewhere to satisfy that hunger.


As fewer people pray the Rosary, the Holy Hour of Reparation, take seriously their Sunday and Holy Day obligations, neglect to pray to the saints and become ever more lax, regarding the reception of the sacraments, I fear for the Faith. We should therefore not be surprised that our Church is fading away and the youth are not moved to take on that faith, when it doesn’t inspire.


Yours etc.,

Mrs Kim Buck,


Co. Tyrone.