Excited children prepare for the shoe box appeal in Glenamaddy Parish Church with Fr Paddy Mooney PP.
Msgr James O’Brien, Bishop Brendan Kelly, Prof Caitriona Ní Dhochartaigh, Archbishop Michael Neary and Bishop Philip Boyce launch the Irish language Roman Missal in Maynooth University.The Chamber Choir from St Catherine’s College, directed by Dr Eunan McCrees, perform during Advent celebrations in the Market Place Theatre.Sr Anne Marie Dixon OSU, Fr Charlie Kiely director of pastoral development, Bishop John Buckley at the launch of Sr Karen Kent’s book ’55 Ways to Connect with Families in your Parish’ in St Columba’s Church, Douglas.A group of 180 pilgrims from 13 dioceses throughout Ireland, led by Bishop Donal McKeown, gather in Rome to celebrate 10 years of the Pope John Paul II Award.Irish missionaries in Kenya visit the Irish embassy in Nairobi for an event celebrating their contribution to the development of the country.Ann O Byrne, Dr Brendan O’Keefe, Prof Michael Healy, Prof Gerry O’Brien, Finian McGrath, Ann Bouirke and Paul Bailey pictured at the ‘Working to support Children and their Families’ Inaugural Progressing Disabilities Services (PDS) conference in Limerick which brought together 300 parents and staff to share learning and good practice in the provision of disability services. Photo: Brian ArthurRepresentatives from Attymass, Co. Mayo, receive their Pride of Place award. Included are Dr Christopher Moran, Chairman Co-operation Ireland; Tom Dowling, Chairperson, Pride of Place, Cllr Gerry McMonagle and Michael Garvey, CEO IPB Insurance. Photo Lorcan Doherty.Artist, Marjorie Laville-Pain, with the O’Callaghan family from Limerick at the launch of the Trócaire exhibition “Art and Poetry-An Emotional Journey” at Nano Nagle Place, Cork City. Photo: Mike English