Thousands of pilgrims expected for return of St Philomena’s relics to Clonfert

Thousands of pilgrims expected for return of St Philomena’s relics to Clonfert

Emmanuel House of Providence, located in Clonfert, Co. Galway, is expecting a large crowd of pilgrims when it hosts a day of Prayer centered around the veneration of a first-class relic of St Philomena on August 7. This event, which last year drew over 1,500 faithful to Clonfert, is expected to be a day of deep spiritual renewal and healing.


“A healing service involves a talk based on the scriptures or the Catechism of the Catholic Church, rosary, Holy Mass and confessions are available. Each person who wishes is prayed with individually by laying on of hands – exercising the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will have the opportunity for people to be blessed by the relic of St Philomena on August 7,” Eddie Stones, Healer in Emmanuel House of Providence, told The Irish Catholic.

“Emmanuel House of Providence offers a sanctuary where individuals can experience God’s love, mercy, and healing power. The centre’s mission is to advance and promote the Catholic faith, helping people lead fuller lives in Jesus Christ. Described as a ‘spiritual hospital’, it provides a space for prayer, evangelisation, and the public celebration of sacraments,” added the healer.

“People report that they experience peace, they feel hope and many people have received healing; physical, spiritual, and emotional”

The Day of Prayer will begin at 11am, featuring Holy Mass, confessions, the rosary, and a healing service conducted by Eddie Stones. Attendees will also have the opportunity to venerate the statue of St Philomena and receive blessings from her first-class relic. The Emmanuel House of Providence, a Catholic centre under the ecclesiastical authority of the Bishop of Clonfert Diocese, is dedicated to foster a more Christian life through prayer, evangelisation, and the public celebration of religious ceremonies.

Talking about the experience of previous years, Eddie Stones told this paper, “People report that they experience peace, they feel hope and many people have received healing; physical, spiritual, and emotional. They develop and grow in their relationship with God and learn about their faith. Many people share with us that they had a very limited knowledge of their faith until they started to come to Emmanuel House. We encourage and teach people about the use of sacramentals such as Holy water, blessed oil and blessed salt. They come seeking direction and learn to ask God to intervene in their lives, growing in unity and in trust in His divine will in their lives. Ultimately, growing in the practice of surrendering to God.”


St Philomena’s story began in 1802 when her remains were discovered in the Catacombs of Priscilla, Rome. The bones of a young girl were found with a flask believed to contain her blood, and tiles inscribed with LUMENA / PAX TE / CUM FI, interpreted as ‘Peace be with you, Philomena’. The symbols, including a palm branch and a lance, suggested she was a martyr.

The relics were later brought to Mugnano del Cardinale in Avellino, where numerous miracles were attributed to her intercession. Pope Leo XII even sent the original terracotta tiles to her shrine in Mugnano. The account of her life, as revealed to Sr Maria Luisa di Gesù, describes her as a Greek princess who dedicated herself to God and suffered martyrdom for refusing the advances of Roman Emperor Diocletian.

“It seeks to teach, equip, and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in our spheres of influence”

Despite historical doubts regarding her martyrdom and the authenticity of her relics, devotion to St Philomena remains strong. Devotees such as St John Vianney and Padre Pio have testified to her miraculous intercessions.

Reflecting on the contrast between the current world events and the Catholic heritage, Eddie Stones concluded, “This school draws from the richness of our Catholic heritage as it seeks to teach, equip, and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in our spheres of influence… We live in a world that tells us to depend only on ourselves, but the message of God is that we should depend on Him for everything we need and to look to Him for guidance. Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing,” John 15:5. We are called to surrender everything entirely God.”