Time to make the switch to sustainable energy

Time to make the switch to sustainable energy
Living Laudato Si’

I went to get my bike serviced last week and was told there was a four-week waiting list for bike services, four weeks! While that would usually put me in bad humour, it didn’t. I smiled. “Isn’t that fantastic?” I thought to myself. Covid-19 has put a lot of things into perspective for people and I think that includes our relationship with nature and with how we walk on this earth, God’s creation. I get a sense that people are out exercising more and planning outdoor activities for their holidays.

As I mentioned last month, Pope Francis has announced this year as a special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year running from May 24, 2020 to May 24, 2021.

He is inviting us into a deeper exploration of Laudato Si’ and to put this rich teaching into action locally. Pope Francis also announced the Laudato Si’ Goals (or LSGs), a seven-year plan towards Church sustainability. The LSGs invite church institutions to reflect on how they can achieve each goal, but they also invite each of us, individuals, families, parishes and schools to do the same. I will be exploring these goals here in the coming months. The first Laudato Si’ Goal deals with energy use. Specifically, it says: “A Response to the Cry of the Earth. This involves a greater use of clean renewable energy and reducing fossil fuels in order to achieve carbon neutrality, efforts to protect and promote biodiversity, guaranteeing access to clean water for all.” It can sound overwhelming, but we begin with the small actions.


When looking at LSG 1, it is also important to remember that there are huge corporations out there who are causing irreparable damage to our common home. One hundred fossil fuel companies in the world are responsible for 70% of the carbon in our atmosphere and this drives the climate crisis. Just 100 companies! We must continue to highlight this issue so that our political leaders can address this at government level. Parish councils and eco-parish groups can make their voices heard by writing to their local TDs and encourage them in their efforts to ‘build back better’.

So, what can we do? One easy way to deal with our individual energy output is to walk and cycle more around our towns and cities or to use public transport where available. We can also examine our energy use in our homes and church buildings. A key question is, who is your energy supplier and what sources of energy do they use to supply electricity to your home or church? There are many sustainable options out there, we simply need to look them up online and make the switch.  This sends a strong message.

Finally, as the Season of Creation approaches in September, how will your family and parish celebrate these weeks? Pray, reflect and take action for our common home. The Season of Creation liturgical resources will be available from www.catholicbishops.ie in the coming weeks. “Truly, much can be done!” (Laudato Si’, 180).

Jane Mellett is the Laudato Si’ Officer with Trocaire