“There is nothing unique to Ireland about this case”
The Pro-Life Campaign (PLC) has accused pro-abortion lobbyists of using the “tragic case” of a young pregnant woman on life support to push for a change in the Constitution.
The PLC’s Dr Ruth Cullen said that it was “crass and unseemly” how some people “are using this sad case to push for repeal of the Eighth Amendment, which offers the only remaining legal protection for the unborn in Ireland”.
Reacting to the decision by the High Court to take the woman off life support Ms Cullen said the group’s “deepest sympathies” go out to the family at the centre of the tragic case.
She said while it is very difficult for the families concerned that cases like this sometimes end up in court, “the fact is that it is a sign of a healthy democracy that life and death issues are taken seriously and appropriately determined”.
“In countries where there is no protection for the unborn, disagreements sometimes emerge that have to be adjudicated on.
“There is nothing unique to Ireland about this case as some would try to suggest,” she said.