Tributes pour in for Fr Derek Smyth

Tributes pour in for Fr Derek Smyth Fr Derek Smyth

The parishioners of Foxrock in Dublin have been paying tribute in their hundreds to their priest Fr Derek Smyth who died recently.

Paul Markey Chair of Foxrock Parish Pastoral Council described him on  as  “An inspirational priest full of humility and kindness. His homilies were truly mind provoking and many times were received with rapturous and well deserved applause. He will be greatly missed by the parishioners of Foxrock.”

Another parishioner wrote: As parishioners of Foxrock we are sad to learn of Fr Derek’s passing. He was a very gifted preacher who challenged us with his homilies. One always left a Mass at which he preached with a deep sense of the true meaning of Christ’s message. He railed against hypocrisy and false values even where he saw this in the ‘Official’ church or among the Establishment in secular society. May he rest in peace.”

Fr Dan O’Connor also left condolences on his behalf and that of the Dublin Diocesan Education Secretariat.  Another Dublin priest, Fr Damian Farnon wrote: “I first met Derek through the Men in Black vocations campaign many years ago. He was always prepared to take a risk for Christ. Our paths crossed again when we both worked in the USA. He sense of justice and good humour challenged and cheered me at the same time.”