Try making this seasonal squirrel decoration

As we are well in to autumn, the ground is scattered with fallen crab apples, conkers, acorns and more just waiting to be gathered up for an autumnal collection. This felt squirrel will complete your collection of autumn treasures.

For the squirrel you will need: one sheet of felt in brown, grey or red, one sheet of white or cream felt, embroidery thread, embroidery needle, pins, scissors and card.

Draw the outline of the squirrel onto the card and cut out twice. You will need one template for the whole squirrel. The second one will be used as a guide in creating a template for the squirrel’s markings. Take the sheet of brown felt, fold it in half and pin the first template to this. Cut around the template and then remove the pins. 

On the second template draw the squirrel’s face and chest and trim around this. Pin this new template to the white or cream felt, cut out and then position the felt over one of the brown pieces and pin in place.

Sew the squirrel’s markings onto the body using blanket stich or running stitch if you prefer. For the nose and eyes, use black embroidery thread and create French knots. To make a French knot, bring the needle to the right side of the felt and hold the thread down firmly with your thumb from your other hand. Wind the thread round the needle three times, push the needle through to the other side. Wind the thread round the needle more times for bigger knots. Finely stitch the mouth on and fasten off.

Take this piece of felt and pin it to the other brown piece. Roughly tack the two pieces together, remove the pins and then sew together using blanket stitch. 

String or ribbon

Before sewing the squirrel up completely, take a piece of string or ribbon, and make a loop with it. Place between the front and back of the squirrel up at its head. You will be able to use this as a hanging decoration later. 

Stuff the squirrel with a little kapok if you wish for a plush toy. Make a few more including a few smaller ones so you have a family of squirrels. Place a few small oak branches in a vase and hang the squirrels from the twigs.