Dear Editor, It is good that Sister Julie Rose of Roscrea has commented as she did on the portrayal of religious sisters in a recent film.
We should expect that the Catholic Church as a whole would have come to the defence of sisters, brothers, clergy and others who acted honourably in the service of those who needed them. Instead we have created bitter attack and little defence. Public inquiries were carefully constructed so as to admit only adverse criticism, with no room for any discussion of what good was done by those in charge of various institutions. Or of what alternative was on offer from the public for the people needing help. Some religious have even declined to defend themselves, thus making it difficult for anyone else to do it. The abandoning of so many good people to attack after what was for the majority of them a lifetime dedication of service has been one of the added scandals good people have had to endure.
If good people are not to be protected as a matter of official policy, they have to defend themselves, and we may hope they will. Which is not what we mean when we talk about the People of God.
Yours etc.,
Fr Des Wilson,
Co. Down.