Wolf Hall’s anti-Catholic bias

Dear Editor, Last year I read Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel about Thomas Cromwell’s life and times. I enjoyed both books very much, as Ms Mantel is a very talented writer. I was, to say the least, rather puzzled by her depiction of Thomas More’s character, who was known as one of the leading intellectuals of his time, until I read David Quinn’s splendid article ‘Will the real Thomas More please stand up’ (IC 29/01/2015).

It is now clear to me that it was anti-Catholic bias which prompted the writer to “swap” the two protagonists – to quote Mr Quinn – and exchange their personalities.

I suppose I should be disappointed that a writer of Ms Mantel’s calibre should muddy the waters. However, I did know I was reading a novel, which after all is only fiction.

Yours etc.,

Mary Clarken,


Co. Laois