Women should take back control

Women should take back control

Dear Editor, I note that Mary Kenny (17/10/19) states that, as she mentioned previously, she believes the Vatican should revisit Humanae Vitae as “we know so much more about fertility control now than in 1968”.

May I revisit this issue too and point out that previous to its publication and afterwards the Vatican had encouraged and promoted research into fertility and Na Pro and other natural methods are now available and are proving every bit as effective in controlling fertility as artificial contraception methods.  It’s hardly necessary to add that, as Na Pro is a natural method of control, it does not involve the pills and potions which, like all medication, involve side effects, which receive little publicity in the media. This is hardly surprising considering the clout of the pharmaceutical industry. I wonder if natural family planning is the greatest secret of all today!

Regarding Ms Kenny’s reference to the question, if contraception was made more available, would this result in a reduction in abortions?

Really no research is needed here as the evidence is there, as she quotes, to demonstrate that more use of contraceptives always results in more abortions due to the failure rate. She mentioned the Netherlands having a low abortion rate but it should be pointed out that increased numbers of D&C’s carried out there are not included as abortions.

It is time for women to take back control of their fertility and to avoid the very serious harm contraceptive can and do cause.

Perhaps Ms. Kenny would lead the campaign for this to happen.

Yours etc.,

Mary Stewart,

Ardeskin, Co. Donegal.


Yoga and meditation can work hand-in-hand

Dear Editor, I refer to the article, ‘Addressing Life’s Anxieties through Christianity, not Yoga’ by David Quinn (IC 27/10/19). In my experience yoga exercises and a quiet still type of meditation often go together.

The meditation repeatedly focuses on the breath, as in mindfulness, emanating from Buddhism, or on the sound of a sacred word as in Hinduism, to aid the closing down of mental activity. Psychologically, it has been found that deliberately simplifying discursive activity opens up the sub-conscious. While yoga exercises can relax and open up the body, still meditations, as described, can open up the sub-conscious. And, as a friend of mine said, ‘If you open yourself up you never know what might get in!’

The entry of evil spirits, in the context of movement away from Christianity, seems to be the primary area of concern for Bishop Cullinan.

In keeping with the checks and balances of Christianity, St Teresa of Avila taught that Christians should not take it upon themselves to engage in ways that close down mental activity in prayer. She questions: “How is a person forgetful of self if he is so careful not to stir or even to allow his intellect or desires to be stirred to a longing for the greater glory of God” (Interior Castle, Mansion 4:3).

I have found ‘mindful’ prayer and meditation, where the mind and heart focus on the humanity of Jesus Christ, our Savior, his life and words, to be relaxing.

Yours etc.,

Eileen Gaughan,

Strandhill, Sligo.


The ‘pill’ has done women no favours

Dear Editor, Just a comment on a recent column by Mary Kenny wrote (17/10/19). I would agree with her that everyone should revisit and read Humanae Vitae and see that St Paul VI was correct in what he wrote and foresaw what would happen in a contraceptive culture.

The contraceptive pill has done women no favours, the jury is in that there is a link between the pill and breast cancer. The pill is making women objects of pleasure instead of allowing them to be as God intended ‘life-giving’. I’ve been a user of the Billings Method of Natural Family Planning and I teach it now.

I would invite women, students to revisit it, you’ll be surprised at the natural wonder and beauty of the woman’s body and her fertility.

Yours etc.,

Teresa Deegan,

Finglas, Dublin 11.


Institute should have been offered a church

Dear Editor, As a regular visitor to Co. Down I am pleased that the Institute of Christ the King has been allowed to open a church in Belfast but why oh why were they required to go into debt in order to buy a building from the Presbyterian Church?

Here in England the Institute have been given older Churches on the Mersey and in Preston and given them new life with active involved congregations. That surely is what should have been done in Down and Connor. There is no shortage of closed or underused Catholic churches in Belfast and it is disgraceful that the Institute were not offered one.

Yours etc.,

Neil Addison,




Bishop right to tackle some ‘sacred cows’

Dear Editor, I would like to commend Bishop Cullinan of Waterford and Lismore for his willingness to speak up and tackle some sacred cows of modern Ireland.

His fearlessness in challenging the group-think that has taken hold in Ireland is sorely lacking in both our Church and political leadership.

Such voices offer refreshing change to the cosy consensus in Ireland, where we have subscribed to the values of a secular culture.

With mental health issues and addiction on the rise among young people one might question whether this retraction from our Catholic faith has served us well?

Yours etc.,

James Coleman,


Co. Cork.