Youth 2000 reveals youth’s deep desire for Faith formation

Youth 2000 reveals youth’s deep desire for Faith formation

“Young people, they’re searching for more,” said Keith Kelly, Youth Minister in the Diocese of Raphoe, at the Youth 2000 Event, pointing to the eagerness for catechesis to and Faith formation among the younger generations.

Youth 2000 hosted a weekend event that gathered a large crowd of young people seeking to deepen their spiritual lives. The event, which featured a range of workshops and talks, provided practical tools for spiritual growth and emphasised the vital role of catechesis in understanding and living out the faith.

One of the standout moments was a workshop led by Fr Chris Gault OP, where the participants learnt about how to deepen their spiritual life and understand their Faith through the teachings of the Doctors of the Church. It was so popular that the room overflowed. Attendees sat on the floor and even stood outside to be able to listen. The enthusiasm and the flood of questions from the crowd highlighted a strong desire for a deeper understanding of their Faith.

Bishop Gavin, the main celebrant at the Saturday Mass, emphasised that catechesis is essential for young people to grasp the significance of the sacraments and to live out their faith with conviction, “I suppose what we have to do is to equip young people to be evangelisers talking to other young people. You can see how challenging it is to have the confidence to talk about Faith.”

The event also featured stands from initiatives like ALPHA, Catechism studies for adults, and Holy Family Mission, all of which engaged attendees. These initiatives align perfectly with the core mission of Youth 2000, which is to “equip young people with the knowledge and confidence to be strong witnesses in their local parishes and workplaces,” as Linda Russell shared.

“Faith formation is the very mission of Youth 2000,” said Lisa Russell, a member of the festival’s organising team. “Our goal is to equip young people with the knowledge of their Faith so they can be strong witnesses to those around them.”

This weekend event by Youth 2000 has shown the crucial role of catechesis in faith formation, igniting a renewed passion for faith among young people and providing them with the tools and confidence to be, as Bishop Gavin noted, our contemporary evangelisers.